A Truly Sustainable Future of Carbon Neutrality

Through Land Regeneration. Through Social Inclusion. Through Renewable Fuels.
(The background image is of a six-year Elite Pongamia Plantation)

CleanStar Energy (CSE) is focussed on replacing fossil fuels and coal with renewable alternatives. Ensuring food security while reducing carbon footprint. CSE’s high yielding varieties of Pongamia & Arundo promises to change the economics of biodiesel and ethanol production. 

the Challenge

Climate Change. Rising CO2 levels from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, and rapidly declining green cover from cutting down forests or burning for mining.  There is a need to reduce petroleum based fuels diesel and petrol, and stop mining coal for electricity generation. 

the Solution

CSE’s innovation that goes to the heart of the challenge. It resolves the issue of lack of predictable feedstock supply to meet the mandated 20% of alternative fuels, ensures food security by utilising marginal lands not used for growing food, and reduces CO2 by sequestering carbon and storing it in the soil. 

our Work

CleanStar Energy’s innovation addresses the biggest pain point plaguing the biofuel industry—lack of a consistent and predictable supply of non edible feedstock that is critical to produce biofuels economically and sustainably but without threatening food security and impacting biodiversity.

Now thanks to CleanStar Energy’s work, it is possible now to dramatically reduce cost of feedstock, which comprise 80% of the cost of biofuel. By adopting our innovation, the biofuel industry can get the benefit of higher volumes of feedstock within a radius km, optimum utilisation of processing capacities and output competitively priced. The higher volumes of feedstock within a radius km also ensures better returns for the upstream growers, a win-win for all in the value chain. 

CSE’s innovation brings together three crucial elements fundamental to the business of manufacturing biofuels economically and sustainably:

  • High yielding varieties of Pongamia sapling for biodiesel production
  • High yielding Arundo ecotypes for 2G ethanol production
  • Expertise in soil sciences and planting protocols aimed at yield productivity
  • Business model that ensures predictable supply of feedstock

our Focus

Mine Regeneration

If you are in mining grappling with the environmental degradation from extraction, overburden dumps and tailings waste, our pioneering work on regenerating contaminated copper tailings dump using high yielding Pongamia can make all the difference. It is now a global success story, having transformed an environmental disaster to a promising green energy asset.  

Biofuel Manufacturers

If as a biofuel manufacturer, you have been struggling with operating at less than 50% of installed capacity due to lack of feedstock, over dependency on aggregators, and the logistical nightmare of distance, our innovation can make all the difference. Be it biodiesel or ethanol, it will drastically reduce your cost of feedstock, pushing up your margins significantly. 

Land Owners

For governments challenged by drought, increasing footprint of marginal lands, erstwhile farming lands turning into deserts, our high yielding varieties of Pongamia can be a poverty alleviation tool. For companies looking for a tangible and long term social return on their corporate social responsibility investments, along with environmental gains, we can be your perfect partner. 

Renewable. Sustainable. Green.

It is possible to reverse climate and environment degeneration. But, we can’t do this alone. We need you too. Come, join hands with us to create a Carbon Neutral future.


The atmosphere can absorb no more than 420 gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 if we are to stay below the 1.5°C threshold. However, since around 42 Gt of CO2 is emitted globally every year—the equivalent of 1332 tonnes per second—this budget is expected to be used up in just over nine years. The budget for staying below the 2°C threshold, for its part, of approximately 1170 Gt, will be exhausted in about 26 years.